
Showing posts from February, 2017

@TGJ February Newsletter

Dear Jammers, Well, 2017 has well and truly started... and ah... what a better thing to do these days than to dance and feel part of a community of diverse people. Bring some warmth and joy to these days! I am up to Aberdeen this Sunday the 5th of February to teach a CI workshop into a jam, hosted by Citymoves. If you are up that way, please do come and join in! Also, later in February we have a guest facilitator from Italy -Sara Bizzoca! Some of you will remember Sara from a jam she led for us last year as well. Our friends in Edinburgh are also hosting a fantastic workshop in March as well. Please see attached flyer. The time promises to be a rich one with work drawing upon Authentic Movement, as well as a day of FLYING for experienced movers. Below are our jams in Glasgow, links to other dance classes in Glasgow as well as jams in Edinburgh. Penny and Laura xx FEBRUARY CLASS:  Sunday 12 February ---12-1pm --- Penny Chiva...