February Newsletter

Dear Jammers,

Can you believe it is February already? We have been very busy at @TGJ headquarters, so we have not noticed how time flies. Our first jam of the year was very well attended and we also welcomed our special guest Sara Bizzoca from Leece, Italy. What a fantastic start of the year.

In January, Penny spent with three weeks in Shanghai, performing We Dance Wee Groove by Stillmotion. Check this great celebratory dance piece for children here: http://wedanceweegroove.co.uk

We have been busy organising our Embodied Vision workshop, which will be led by Anna Bambridge on Saturday 26 March. This is an opportunity to explore your true vision in contact improvisation. Who knows what great powers will be unleashed with this practice.

We have also firmed plans for a special jam on Wednesday 20 April, to celebrate Glasgow International Festival of Art. It will take place at the ArtSchool (what a cool venue) from 6 to 9.30pm and promises to be so spectacular we have engaged two facilitators to work together: Nina Enemark and Laura Gonzalez. The focus will be drawing and the body. More information will be posted soon on social media, the website and, of course, our next newsletter.

Finally, we have given our website a lick of paint. Have a look and let us know what you think: http://theglasgowjam.blogspot.co.uk. We are keen to make this a resource for regular and itinerant @TGJ jammers.

As ever, below is a list of upcoming jams for the next couple of months (with more on our website here: http://theglasgowjam.blogspot.co.uk/p/jam-calendar.html). We hope to see you there! 

Much love,

Penny and Laura x


A contact improvisation weekend with Anna Bambridge


Workshop Saturday 26 March 2016, 11am–5pm
Class and Jam Sunday 27 March 2016, 1–4.30pm
Kinning Park Complex

Using relaxation and movement techniques grounded in the Bates method of vision education we will explore how our attention and intention affects how we see and how we feel. Vision is a learned sense that we can continually attend to and we will encourage new ways of using our eyesight. Aspects of vision we will explore include peripheral and central sight (and the relationship between them) and our senses of perspective, colour, movement and depth. You are encouraged to bring warm layers, as there will be times of stillness in the workshop.

You are invited to explore your natural vision for this workshop. This means that if you wear glasses you can take them off or if you wear contact lenses please bring what you need to take them out.

Saturday workshop only £40
Full weekend £45



JAM: Friday 12th February --- 6-9.30pm --- Penny Chivas --- KPC --- £5

CLASS: Sunday 28th February ---1-2pm --- Penny Chivas --- KPC --- £10
JAM: Sunday 28th February --- 2-4.30pm --- Penny Chivas--- KPC --- £5 (free with class)


JAM: Friday 11th March --- 6-9.30pm --- Brian Hartley --- KPC --- £5

WORKSHOP: Saturday 26th March ---Natural Vision workshop with Anna Bambridge. (See above)

CLASS: Sunday 27th March --- 1-2pm --- Anna Bambridge --- KPC --- £10
JAM: Sunday 27th March --- 2-4.30pm --- Anna Bambridge--- KPC --- £5 (free with class)


Sunday February 7, 6:15pm-8:45pm
Sunday February 21, 6:15pm-8:45pm
Sunday March 6, 6:15pm-8:45pm

All at the Calton Centre, 121 Montgomery St, Edinburgh
£5 (£3 concessions)

POZA Project Music and Dance Improvisation lab
Kinning Park Complex

8 day long creative lab ending with a public performance, open to: dancers, movers, musicians and sound makers.

Tues 9th & Wed 10th February 10.00 - 15.45
Tues 16th & Wed 17th February 10.00 - 15.45
Tues 23rd & Wed 24th February 10.00 - 15.45
Tues 2nd & Wed 3rd March 10.00 - 15.45
Public Sharing on 5th March - 17.00

Every day will start with the focus on physicality where the musicians will get the chance to move and the dancers will challenge their physical range through improvised tasks and set phrases - all with live music.

Solène Weinachter and Jer Reid will explore many aspects of improvised music / dance. There is no 'and' in the title because our interest is in blurring the boundaries between music and dance. The music and the body will exist with an equal weight. To make a single event. We will explore the physicality of sound and the music inherent in movement and how both exist in the acoustic-spacial area of architecture. This is not at the expense of what is unique about the two creative areas. What is similar and what is different make an endless dialogue. Areas to explore will include deep listening, fusing of dynamics that exist in both or either music and dance, physical tasks based on anatomic principles and instinctive impulses, and developing techniques for structuring improvising in performance.

£150 - Booking before 15th of January / £165 - Booking after 15th of January
**We will offer 4 concession places (unemployed/ low income) at £100.
Please contact: projectpoza@gmail.com to discuss your situation.

For more information: http://www.pozaproject.org

SUSPENSION [of weight, of time, of balance and of disbelief]
a contact improvisation workshop with Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood

MovingEast, London 
28th March - 1st April 2016

In this workshop, we will explore the many facets of suspension. In a physical sense we will focus on the suspension of our weight allowing a stretch of time as we float in the air for a moment longer. Also, our bodies, like all motor vehicles, are equipped with a system of shock absorbers, also know as suspension, allowing us to cushion the impact of our mass as we move safely in and out and across of the floor. On a subtler level, it may also refer to the postponement or temporary halt of a judgment, an impulse, a decision or an opinion as in suspending our disbelief. Through a dynamic physical collaboration of the senses we will follow our instincts and be guided by what is already in our body in order to access multiple facets of our innate creative wisdom.

Fully waged / funded: £185
Part-time waged / Independent artist: £165
Unemployed / Full-time Student: £ 145 

This workshop is hosted and administered by MovingEast in partnership with London Contact Improvisation and curated by Robert Anderson.

This is an intermediate/advanced workshop for students or professionals that have a firm grasp of Contact Improvisation basics.  If you wish to participate please email: admin@movingeast.co.uk

Contact Improvisation residential Jam in Anglesey, N. Wales


Penny Chivas and Laura Gonzalez
In association with Dance House

Follow us on Twitter: @TheGlasgowJam